Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Being a snowy morning with no sunshine these yellows just popped out and caught my attention today.


Raewyn said...

I love your photos! That sure looks like a lot of snow - I hope you are keeping warm (and getting some sewing done, perhaps..?

Marieke said...

Wow: great these yellows in the white, white snow. How much longer before spring will come to you? Our Emma (who was the model for the hexieflowers) is indeed a lovable dog, as any german shepard. You must have had a great youth with a dog like that!

Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Wonderful pictures. Yellow's not my favorite color but it speaks loudly in your photos.

sunny said...

I love your yellows! I just did a yellow post, too, but mine was a little more Springy. Yours' was certainly more original and creative though!