Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Flower Wednesdays

Started sewing my hexies together for the new top. I found a new blue but now looking at the pictures it should have been in the first round, looks lighter to me. Oh well, will see how it looks next to the darker blues I have.

The snow is finally melting, and there are huge puddles around. Luckily the ones in the yard are sinking into the ground overnight.

Granddaughter Violet came and stayed the night. She had a hard time keeping up to Mac.

You can see how much the snow has melted in 4 days.

 Went to the river Sunday to see if the Great Blue Herons are back. Didn't see any, they must have moved their rookery.

Here a couple of pictures of the Herons taken April 11, 2009. 

I wonder what they think of the Great Horned Owl? Not a great picture but you can see the top if it's head.

A pair of Geese also took the advantage of a free nest. 

Are you coming?


Stray Stitches (Linda G) said...

Love the direction your hexie are growing! Looks like spring thaw is definitely happening. Thanks for sharing the great pictures of all the different birds.

Dolly Cloth said...

your garden is looking good

Jeanette said...

Very interesting. Looking great. Happy Stitching,

Karen said...

Looking beautiful!!!!!

Kate said...

Thank you so much for sharing your lovely Pictures,,Your hexies are looking good,,,,

Wendy said...

Your hexies look great!

Roxanne said...

Your hexies are unique. Very nice.